I catch up with fresh metal quintet from Perth, Australia, Patient Sixty-Seven who blend the best parts of metal and rock genres to create their own sound. I ask about their origins, what they are currently working on and what lies ahead for the future. So be sure to read on and check out their compelling and electrifying metal... Great band name, is this referring to Shutter Island? Can you tell us a bit about it and how you arrived at this? For sure! And thank you - the title is indeed a reference to Shutter Island. To tell you the truth, the name sort of came about one day while the band was in its early stages. It’s a favourite movie of mine, and the name honestly just stuck straight away haha - I kind of threw it out there as suggestion to our guitarist Dylan and he was like, yep - that’ll do. The name itself definitely represents a lot of incredible themes within the movie, and similar themes are covered in our music - such as self-reflection, deception and coming
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