This Italian metal five piece formed in 2012 and released their debut self titled EP late last year, on 31st October 2015. See what they have to offer in their Angerdome...
Opening song, Escape This Reality maintains a dark groove with hard hitting riffs and drums, along with fierce impressive screams from vocalist, Cento, all executed in a very melodic unit; it will have you head-banging in no time! It also possesses nice tones, aided by the production and mastering which asserts itself throughout the EP...
After a memorable introduction, the band fully greet us with, Welcome To Angerdome, which keeps things fast and vicious. Again we are treated to some seriously catchy bouncy melodies, with flawless belligerent vocals, and shows what the band do best where their in their 'zone'.
Direct Result starts with a crashing drum intro with an elongated scream to kick it off, then goes on to feature crushing riffs, and a mental fast chorus, all in all, the 'result' is one well crafted heavy slab of metal!
Shades Fade Colours stampedes ahead, wasting no time, with the unclean vocals and heavy instrumentation working in perfect harmony throughout, and features some of the most mosh worthy moments.
Erase opens on a slower pace, but don't worry it soon picks up, and becomes full blown metal madness, and stands out for the different elements and breakdowns towards the end.
Through The Mirror keeps things steady and maintains the momentum, but it also adds a bit more flair, with the use of dysfunctional effects to add more muster to this already beastly affair!
To close the EP, we have Fuck Your Creed which sounds like its on a rampage, with heavy relentless pounding drums, melodic fast riffs and honest defiant angered vocals. It ends with a extremely catchy metal package that you come to expect, and certainly doesn't disappoint!
There is something very satisfying about their groove ridden thrash metal, even though they largely follow the same formula throughout, I for one didn't get bored and continued to head bang on until the end! It's early days for them, but if they keep up this momentum in their first LP, which they are currently working on, then their popularity and presence within the scene will certainly make headway.
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