Discover undiscovered music from all over the world. All your favorite genres from Pop, Rock, Folk, Country, Hip Hop, R&B, Reggae and EDM, to Classical Music, Soundtrack Music, Lounge Music, Jazz, and everything in-between.
Skunk Radio Live has been created to cater to the needs of adventurous music lovers looking to discover new artists in a new way.
Undiscovered artists from all over the world are popping up on Skunk Radio Live everyday. What makes it special is that the music programming is not limited to mainstream genres like Pop, Rock and Hip Hop, but also includes other sub-genres, less popular genres and instrumental genres.
Skunk Radio Live is an invaluable music discovery tool every music lover can't do without.
The L!ve Team is Skunk Radio Live's dedicated music discovery team, scouring the globe daily to find the hottest undiscovered music creators out there.
We are very passionate about discovering new music, and even more passionate about sharing it with the world.
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